Kathryn Delancey » Posts


Please join us for a meeting during lunch on August 13th to find out more about auditioning for SpongeBob the Musical!  The meeting will be in Room 10.

Auditions for Beauty and the Beast Jr.

We are so excited to announce that our Spring musical will be Disney's Beauty and the Beast Jr.  There will be an information meeting on Tuesday, January 10th during lunch.  You can pick up an application at that time.  All applications for cast or tech are due no later than Friday, January 20th, 2023.  
Please read through the posted Production Calendar for all dates including dates for rehearsals.  You must be available for all these dates to audition.  
Thank you, 
Ms. Kat

The Fall 2022 Musical Countdown!

Beginning on July 15th, 2022 at 7 p.m. and every day until school starts on August 15th, I will be posting a show that we will NOT be doing this fall. By the time school starts on Monday, August 15th, you will know which musical we will be auditioning/interviewing for this fall! You can get all the information you need here or follow us on TikTok or Instagram. Our user name is @ncmstheatre. See you soon!