Unified Enrollment: Application Information for Non-Resident Students
What are Affiliated Charter Schools?
Affiliated Charter Schools are semiautonomous district Public schools that converted to affiliated charter status via a charter petition process approved at an L.A. Unified board meeting.
The schools receive flexibility in the utilization of the charter school categorical block grant for various educational purposes.
Nobel Charter Middle School has specific goals of our instructional program outlined in our charter petition found on our Nobelms.com website and our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) document.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
All students in the state of California are eligible to apply to attend Nobel Charter Middle School. However, the school must first serve students in its resident attendance boundary.
If there is additional space available after resident attendance boundary students are enrolled, the school must hold a random public lottery for the remaining spaces. In the lottery, the remaining spaces are first offered to students within L.A. Unified attendance boundary, and then all other students.
- Siblings – Prospective students who are siblings of students enrolled in grades 6 and 7 at Nobel CMS at the time of the lottery and reside within LAUSD boundaries, but not within Nobel CMS boundaries, shall have first admission preference.
- Other prospective students who reside within LAUSD boundaries, but not in Nobel CMS boundaries, shall have second admission preference.
- 7th and 8th grade lottery applicants will be given admission based on space availability.
How to Apply:
Nobel Charter’s non-resident lottery application will be made available each year through the On-Time LAUSD Unified Enrollment process at https://apply.lausd.net/
Information about Affiliated Charter Schools and Nobel Charter can be found on pages 68-69 in the Choices Brochure. Nobel Charter Middle School and SAS (School for Advanced Studies) Designation code can be found on page 69.
Our code is 1827201.
Select: Affiliated Charter for Nobel Charter Middle School
Nobel Charter Middle School Lottery drawing will take place in the spring (TBD in April) after receiving the list of interested applicants from LAUSD Unified Enrollment process.