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Nobel has a large population of identified gifted students. The content of honors/SAS classes is based on the State Standards, but is differentiated for our gifted students. The teachers use a wide variety of teaching strategies to challenge our gifted population including those based on Dr. Sandra Kaplan, Marcia Tate, Susan Winebrenner and Bertie Kingore.

Recency hours in professional development are a requirement for teachers in the SAS program and recommended for teachers that teach our magnet honors classes. Mrs. Arjaev holds informational meetings for the staff of our gifted students. She shares information on upcoming gifted educational opportunities and how to differentiate the curriculum

In order to best serve the needs of your child, students are taught by teachers trained in differentiating instruction to meet their intellectual characteristics as well as their social and emotional needs.

Nobel Charter Middle School and Nobel Magnet School serve over 1200 identified gifted students on their campus. This is approximately half of the school’s overall enrollment. As a result, there is a rich offering of honors-level classes in all academic areas.