Dear Association,
I hope you are all doing well in these uncertain times. I miss you all. I find comfort in that we are all a tight knit community. We can lean on each other for support and continue to be a strong and get passed this even stronger!
Our next association meeting will be held Wednesday, April 22nd at 1 p.m. via Zoom Meeting.
Please mark your calendar for this meeting. We will be discussing nominations for the new PTSA Officers:
President: Rea Olalia-Mourad
VP President: Sayuri Olivera
Membership: 1st VP Ellen Ticzon
Ways and Means: 2nd VP Lisa Shoukeir
Secretary: TBD
Treasurer: Francis DeQuiros
Nest: Kevin Harmon
Programs:Caroline Kadarian
Financial Secretary: Juan Ortega
Auditor: Gilma Koch
Historian: Nina Niu-OK
Parliamentarian: Donald Creese
Also, Mr. Horowitz will be attending meeting as well and give us school updates.
If you can attend please email me at [email protected] and I will send you Zoom code and password.